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What is special about Corine Perier’s painting technique?Corine Perier uses the old "glaze" technique wich consits in thin tranparent layers of paint and varnish to get very luminous colors as well as fine strokes.
Where can I purchase Corine Perier's cabinet of curiosities painting?You can purchase Corine Perier's painting "Cabinet of Curiosities" by contacting Galerie Alaux.
What is a cabinet of curiosities?A cabinet of curiosities presents a collection of original pieces from the animal, plant or mineral world to showcase them. Corine Perier's cabinets of curiosities are a collection of Pop Art paintings meticulously painted in oil and where the details bring to life emblematic animals of Pop culture.
Who is Corine Perier?Corine Perier is a French artist specialized in Pop art and surrealist animal paintings. She is known for her depictions of animal iconic characters inpired by Pop Culture and her paintings of hybrid animals.
Does Corine Perier offer exhibitions of his works?Yes, Corine Perier regularly exhibits his artwork in art galleries and artistic events. You can check the "Exhibitions" section of her website to learn more about upcoming exhibitions.
What are the shipping fees for online orders?The shipping fees depend on the weight and destination of your order. Delivery is free in Metropolitan France. You can calculate the shipping costs on the shopping cart page of the online store before finalizing your order.
What payment methods are accepted by Corine Perier?Corine Perier's website accepts payments by credit card and PayPal. These payment methods are subject to a SSL security system.
Where can I see Corine Perier's artwork?You can see Corine Perier's artworks in art galleries that showcase her paintings, as well as on her website.
Does Corine Perier accept custom orders?Yes, Corine Perier accepts custom orders. To find out more, you can contact her via the contact form on her website or by email: She will request details about your project, such as size and subject. Afterwards, she will provide you with a personalized quote and a production timeline.
What is the return policy for purchases on Corine Perier's website?Returns are accepted for purchases on Corine Perier's website if you live in European Union, provided the artwork is returned in its original condition and within 14 days of receipt of the artwork. You can consult the return conditions on the "General Terms of Sale" section.
What is the delivery time for online orders?The delivery time varies depending on your country of residence. In France, deliveries are typically made within 5 to 7 business days, while for other European and international countries, it usually takes 7 to 10 business days for delivery.
How long does it take Corine Perier to create a painting?The time spent on a painting in oil differs from one composition to another and depends on many factors including the format. It takes 300 to 400 hours of work to paint one of her large format (100 x 81 cm)
What is Corine Perier's painting technique?Corine Perier paints in oil on linen or wood panels.
How can I buy Corine Perier's artwork?You can purchase Corine Perier's artwork by contacting the galleries that exhibit her paintings. You can also directly purchase an artwork on her website, in the “Store” section.
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